Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Southland in the Springtime

One of my favorite seasons has officially arrived in North Carolina. Granted, it's been a bit more temperamental than usual, vacillating between 85 degree temps and a morning filled with sleet and snow flakes, but I'm confident that it's finally here to stay (because saying something with conviction makes it true, right?).

Anyway, one of my absolutely favorite parts of this season are all of the cheerful flowers popping up at nearly every turn. I've definitely contemplated pulling my car over on more than one occasion to capture particularly pretty gardens and flower beds, which I decided probably wasn't the safest option. Instead, here are a few of my favorite shots (via iPhone) from my adventures so far.

a pot of grape hyacinths brightening up our front porch

 the dogwood tree in front of our house in full bloom

beautiful tulips (and some pansies) outside the NC governor's mansion

And yes, for anyone potentially wondering, the title is from an Indigo Girls song. Every once in awhile I like to live the stereotype.

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